This is the first time that many organisations have rolled out remote working on such a scale and as a result it can take some adjusting to. As a global team with partners in multiple countries and time zones, we’ve learned a few things along the way. In this blog, we discuss SigningHub's top three working from home tips - and how they can make life easier.

Below are some working from home tips that we’ve found useful at Ascertia:
1. Communication is key to working remotely
This is advice that is given time and time again but that’s because it crucial. When you’re not all together, keeping in touch about ongoing activities and progress prevents people from doubling-up on tasks or things falling through the cracks.
Whether you do this via video calls, over email, through your CRM or quickly posting a message on your company’s internal chat app, it’s important to update each other regularly.
Hold information too so that other team members can access what they need. At Ascertia, we have long offered flexible working as many of our team work in different time zones so centralising resources means people don’t need to be interrupted unnecessarily out of hours.
It’s also important to continue to socialise like you would in the office. Virtual tea breaks and even company pub quizzes are a great way of staying in touch with colleagues whilst working remotely.
2. Don’t let compliant practices drop because you’re not in the office
Many organisations will have felt the pressure to get remote working up and running as quickly as possible. This urgency shouldn’t mean cutting compliance corners. If people are inexperienced at remote working, a sudden disparate workforce can potentially cause compliance issues.
With any important documents that require approval, we use SigningHub to provide a clear audit trail of who signed what and when they did to avoid disputes about the integrity or authenticity of documents.
Remote signing with SigningHub ensures high-trust signing from any device, anywhere – no need to install anything either, as everything is authorised via a secure cloud server.
3. Make sure your technology set-up works for your team
We have become even more dependent on technology for powering our businesses and it could prove disastrous should systems fail or data is lost.
Working remotely might require additional capacity or services, so it’s worth having a conversation with your suppliers to see what they can offer to make remote working as efficient as possible for your business.
Like our first working from home tip, communication with your technology suppliers will ensure the best service for your needs. This increased communication might mean customising a solution to better fit your current requirements or ensuring you have additional support services for those who are getting accustomed to home working.
Complimentary 2,500 e-signature pack for all businesses
As a UK business that has been affected by COVID-19’s disruption and in the spirit of helpfulness, we are offering any affected organisation a complimentary 2500 e-signature pack in our SigningHub cloud service.
It’s easy to use and there is no commitment to using our service after you have used up your pack. We hope these working from home tips and complimentary eSignatures help your business at this time. Once you've registered, you'll also receive best practice tips and videos – these can be unsubscribed from.