The business benefits of digital signatures

Posted by Sam Crook on 28-Dec-2015 08:52:54

Rod Crook, our Solutions Director, was recently asked by industry publication Fresh Business Thinking to write a guest article. Titled ‘Going digital: The benefits of digital signatures for businesses’, the article explains the advantages for organisations searching for ways to improve business efficiencies.

He also offers advice around how to choose a suitable solution in a congested marketplace.


As Rod explains, there are numerous cost savings and productivity improvements from adopting a digital option. The process of signing and approving documents is often drawn-out by long periods of waiting and digital equivalents help reduce the length of the signing process.

 “Most of all, digital and ‘live’ signing improves the user experience and, thanks to cloud-based solutions, is quick, easy and convenient,” is one of Rod’s main points that we cover regularly at SigningHub.

There are also the benefits from stronger security, and a minimised risk of fraud and compliance issues. Digital solutions such as ours offer authentication that far outweighs conventional signatures, as Rod details, “Unlike a traditional ink on paper signature, a digital signature is impossible to forge when combined with strong user authentication options and as a result provides strong evidence in court.

If you do choose a digital solution, it is important to select the right one. There are many different types of e-signatures with varying degrees of validity and security. Ensure that an ETSI PDF Advanced Digital Signature features at the top of your selection process.

For those who are interested in reading the full article, head on over to Fresh Business Thinking here.

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