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Sam Crook

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Part 2: Digital signing cost savings

Posted by Sam Crook on 10-Mar-2021 04:55:28

In this blog, we discuss several ways digital signing delivers cost savings once documents are returned by signers. This piece follows on from the first part of this blog mini-series where we looked at the surprisingly high cost of paper, printing, photocopying and delivering documents when calculated over the course of a year.

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Part 1: How digital signing delivers cost savings

Posted by Sam Crook on 01-Mar-2021 04:55:00

Digital signing can deliver significant cost savings. A piece of paper is inexpensive, but, consider how many pieces of paper an average business uses, files and stores away every year.

The number can reach millions, if not more, and when you calculate what you do with that piece of paper you soon realise that considerable savings could be made by switching to digital signatures and eliminating paper-based approvals.

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Moving to the cloud: Benefits and concerns

Posted by Sam Crook on 08-Jun-2016 12:25:43

More and more global businesses are moving to the cloud.

A recent survey by Intel revealed, that in the next 16 months, 80% of IT budgets will be invested in cloud technology. Considering the many benefits, it is no surprise companies are considering cloud-based infrastructures.

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How eSignatures benefit the finance department

Posted by Sam Crook on 09-May-2016 08:10:27

In our latest series of blogs, we explain how SigningHub can be used across a company and how different lines of business can transform their document workflows. We started with sales, now we'll discuss how eSignatures can benefit the finance department.

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Accelerate your sales with digital signatures

Posted by Sam Crook on 22-Apr-2016 15:41:08

In this new blog series, we explain how SigningHub can be used across a business and how different lines of business can transform their document workflows. We start with identifying how to accelerate sales with digital signatures.

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SigningHub wins Productivity and Collaboration Product of the Year at the UK Cloud Awards 2016

Posted by Sam Crook on 15-Apr-2016 11:35:33

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded Productivity and Collaboration Product of the Year at the UK Cloud Awards 2016. This is a great achievement for us and is recognition of our commitment to providing a secure eSignature solution that enables teams to accelerate the signing process.

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Has EU-US data transfer deal reached a safe harbor?

Posted by Sam Crook on 23-Feb-2016 12:51:21

It is challenging to write about Safe Harbor, the Eu-US international data sharing transfer agreement, because the situation is changing daily.

A replacement framework was announced in early February. Five days later, scepticism and confusion followed.

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How eSignatures improve workplace productivity and workflows

Posted by Sam Crook on 19-Jan-2016 14:00:48

The successful digitisation of business processes is not an easy undertaking. Improving workplace productivity and workflows with eSignatures can make it much easier.

Paperless offices may still be some way away. However, many core business tasks have been significantly improved through innovative technologies and solutions. One of the main drivers behind these enhancements is the desire of businesses for a more productive, efficient and cost effective workplace.

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Digital signatures: The business benefits - Published in Fresh Business Thinking

Posted by Sam Crook on 28-Dec-2015 08:52:54

Rod Crook, our Solutions Director, was recently asked by industry publication Fresh Business Thinking to write a guest article. Titled ‘Going digital: The benefits of digital signatures for businesses’, the article explains the advantages for organisations searching for ways to improve business efficiencies. He also offers advice around how to choose a suitable solution in a congested marketplace.

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The evolution of signatures: From wax seal to eSignatures

Posted by Sam Crook on 11-Dec-2015 07:12:42

Important documents are signed all the time: wills, contracts, government documents, the list is endless. The person’s signature identifies the signer, but also authorises the document by proving that they agreed to the terms stated.

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