Dissecting the differences between DocuSign and SigningHub

Posted by Liaquat Khan on 13-Nov-2015 07:09:19

We often get asked how the digital signatures produced by SigningHub are different from DocuSign. Although at a basic level the document signing services may seem similar, there are significant differences when you take apart the eSignatures and analyse the security mechanisms being employed. 

DocuSign and SigningHub eSignaturesAs part of our analysis we uploaded and signed the same document on both services and compared the results side-by-side using the independent an Adobe® Reader® for signature verification. 

We analysed the following aspects:

  • Document format: Is the document converted to a secure format before signing?

  • Esignature appearance: What options are available for the user making their e-signature mark on the document?

  • Digital signature strength: How is the document locked after signing so that no further changes can be made, how is the user’s identity linked to the document and what level of non-repudiation is achieved through the signed document?

  • Long-term verifiability: Can the user’s signature be verified in the long-term?

You may find the results quite interesting.  Download the eBook now to see what we learnt!

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