EuroCloud accelerates approval process with SigningHub

Posted by Victoria Allen on 03-Nov-2016 10:47:49

EuroCloud Europe is a pan-European non-profit organisation focusing on cloud computing. It fosters the development of a European Digital Single Market and has strong relationships with local governments and the European Commission.

In this case study, you’ll learn why EuroCloud decided to go with SigningHub to optimise its document workflows.

Business need

With board members spread across Europe, EuroCloud required a secure e-signing solution that makes the document approval process more efficient and less time-consuming.

Additionally, the organisations needed to ensure that the signing solution complied with the latest EU eIDAS standards.

In short, it needed a platform that:

  • Complies with all relevant regulations
  • Reduces document approval time with sacrificing security
  • Is available as a mobile application
  • Allows them to control document access rights
  • Is cost-effective


SigningHub by Ascertia was selected to provide EuroCloud with an efficient alternative to traditional ink and paper signing. Unlike some of its competitors, SigningHub complies with the EU eIDAS Regulations. This ensures that all documents digitally signed by EuroCloud’s board members are legally recognised across the EU.

SigningHub provides each user with their unique signing key to prove their identity and ensure document integrity and non-repudiation. Support for PDF/A format means that EuroCloud’s signed documents are preserved for the long term.

Users can easily monitor each document's signing workflow progress and quickly send notifications to those holding up the process. The company also has access to the SigningHub mobile app, which enables signers to approve documents while on the move.


EuroCloud benefited from SigningHub’s powerful features immediately from the initial setup. Its signing process is now extremely efficient and EU-compliant. The entire approval workflow is faster; board members can sign on their mobile devices, and document owners can easily track the sign-off progress.

Juraj Zelenay, Program Group Manager, Digital Tools at EuroCloud, said: “With SigningHub, we have reduced approval time significantly and can ensure EU compliance. We promote the use of innovative, useful cloud technologies and we have found just that SigningHub.”

SigningHub can help streamline your document workflow process and ensure EU eIDAS-compliant eSignatures. See for yourself by starting your free trial today.

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