Increasing marketing team productivity with eSignatures

Posted by Victoria Allen on 06-Dec-2016 10:23:27

Next in our blog series outlining how different business departments can benefit with SigningHub, we discuss how eSignatures can increase productivity in the marketing department.

Now more than ever, marketing teams have to remain creative, productive and focused on customers. They cannot be delayed by slow internal processes or bogged down chasing busy senior managers for approvals.

e-Signatures helping marketing departments

Along with campaign development, website management and content creation, most marketing departments maintain a company’s customer database, track and nurture sales leads and monitor social media. To bring projects to completion they are responsible for ensuring buy-in from other departments and stakeholders within the organisation. This often entails printing out documents for marking up, editing and approval.

How does an eSignature benefit marketing?

It’s no longer necessary to go through this laborious manual process. A service like SigningHub brings speed and efficiency to all marketing functions and helps to empower the entire marketing team.

The main benefits are clear visibility of document status, including the stages of approval already reached and next steps, and access to notes and amendments that may affect the next validation stage. This, in turn, helps to improve productivity and automated alerts for those left to sign help ensure projects are completed within set time-frames. Marketing departments working with third parties can also share the administration of tasks through solutions like Sharepoint – one of the applications SigningHub integrates with.

According to research published earlier this year, 83% of Europeans still feel the paperless office is unrealistic. Part of the reason for this is the perceived necessity for a manual signature.

The advantage of a solution like SigningHub is a reduction in the cost of printing and scanning documents with every revision. It also offers the full support for all electronic signature types - including eSignatures (protected with a cryptographic digital signature), Advanced and Qualified eSignatures meeting EU eIDAS regulations.  

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SigningHub helps marketing executives to keep document workflow going on the move. It is available as a mobile app, so users can review and securely sign documents anywhere, at any time, from any device.

Finally, while compliance and legal issues are not mission-critical for marketing departments, contracts undoubtedly need signing. SigningHub supports long-term digital signatures to ensure documents cannot be tampered with and are valid long into the future.

See how SigningHub helps other departments such as finance and sales.



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