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SigningHub Helps with GDPR | Blog | SigningHub™

Written by Victoria Allen | 26-Jun-2018 05:27:22

For most companies, ensuring company GDPR compliance has been a lengthy and arduous process but one that is necessary to ensure your organisation can provide evidence that it is following the regulation. SigningHub can help your business ensure its GDPR compliance.

Ensuring GDPR compliance with SigningHub

Ensuring that previous subscribers have provided consent for communications is only one part of the process. Companies need to think about long-term strategies to ensure all future data is GDPR-compliant whatever the source.

We’ve spoken about the benefits of Advanced Electronic Signatures (AES) to prepare for the General Data Protection Regulation previously. In this blog, we’re specifically focusing on how SigningHub can help organisations with ongoing processes that keep data in check.

GDPR guidelines

In the ICO’s guidelines on GDPR, evidence of consent is a vital part of the compliance process. Organisations are required to keep evidence of who signed up and what they signed up to. All this information must be securely recorded, verifiable and regularly updated by the appointed GDPR officer.

As of the 25th May deadline, all customer information the company currently holds should be updated and in-line with GDPR guidelines. This process involves checking consent for every individual in the company database and reverifying those who don’t have audit-friendly documentation associated with them.

Compliance challenges

The GDPR compliance process requires a lot of man-power, time and resources. SigningHub’s bulk-signing can help GDPR officers manage the authorisation and archiving consent process.

Bulk-signing enables organisations to send out hundreds or even thousands of documents to customers or employees in line with a company’s data processing policy.

Using either Ascertia's API or Auto File Processor, our front-end watched folder application, organisations can automatically send privacy policies, and sign documents in ETSI PAdES formats. It provides long-term validation and embedded evidence of who, when and why the document was signed.

SigningHub by Ascertia helps maintain compliance, provides a log for ‘requests to be forgotten’ and future GDPR audits. It will also help maintain GDPR company compliance moving forward in a cost-effective, efficient way.


Learn more about our bulk-signing here.