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Victoria Allen

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Increasing workplace productivity with eSignatures

Posted by Victoria Allen on 19-Apr-2022 12:02:10

The successful digitisation of business processes is not an easy undertaking. The paperless office is rapidly becoming the norm for most businesses.

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Different Types of eSignatures - AES & QES

Posted by Victoria Allen on 04-Apr-2022 09:59:19

The second blog in our series on the different types of eSignatures, this piece focuses on the differences between Advanced Electronic Signatures (AES) and Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES). 

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Choosing the right eSignature

Posted by Victoria Allen on 17-Mar-2022 09:46:23

Not all electronic and digital signatures are the same. In this blog, we discuss choosing the right eSignature for your business.

At a basic level, users can use any mark on an electronic document to capture the signer’s intent to approve or accept the contents. The form of the “mark” or how it was created is not important. What is important is proving who made the mark and that no one made any changes subsequently.

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Protect electronic invoices from fraud with digital signatures

Posted by Victoria Allen on 02-Dec-2021 09:58:05

There isn’t a business in the world that hasn’t issued or received an invoice at some point. They're essential to global businesses and, without proper security, they're also a risk point. In this blog, we discuss electronic invoicing fraud prevention, cost-effectiveness and digital signatures.

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How telecoms companies benefit from eSignatures

Posted by Victoria Allen on 18-Jun-2020 10:26:55

Telecoms is a fast paced industry, with many organisations working with multiple partners across multiple disciplines to provide communications services to consumers and businesses. Time is always of the essence. In this blog, we discuss the many benefits eSignatures offer the telecoms industry.

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Transitioning to remote channels with eSignatures

Posted by Victoria Allen on 30-Apr-2020 13:35:59

Remote working has quickly become the new normal. As global businesses transition to remote channels, we discuss how eSignatures can help facilitate this process.

Many businesses that were initially sceptical have experienced the benefits and many will likely continue with remote working long after it’s necessary.

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3 tips to make working from home easier

Posted by Victoria Allen on 31-Mar-2020 15:23:22

This is the first time that many organisations have rolled out remote working on such a scale and as a result it can take some adjusting to. As a global team with partners in multiple countries and time zones, we’ve learned a few things along the way. In this blog, we discuss SigningHub's top three working from home tips - and how they can make life easier.

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Digital contracts and electronic signatures

Posted by Victoria Allen on 24-Mar-2020 11:54:58

Many companies have told staff to work from home and this has presented a challenge for some employees who are missing the means to operate remotely. In this blog, we discuss how to keep business moving with digital contracts and electronic signatures.

In this day and age, there is genuinely no reason to use paper for contracts, agreements, HR and other business documents. What is important is to ensure authenticity, trust and integrity of signed business documents.

Like many others, we have been affected financially by COVID-19, cancelling a major event at short notice. Thankfully our suppliers have been very helpful in rescheduling.

As a UK business that has been affected and in the spirit of helpfulness, we are offering any affected organisation a free 2500 e-signature pack to be used by all employees on our SigningHub cloud service.

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What are digital and electronic signature laws?

Posted by Victoria Allen on 29-Jan-2020 13:38:24

In this blog, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about electronic and digital signature laws and the legality of eSignatures so you can electronically sign with confidence.

One of the key concerns people have when switching to eSignatures is whether they have the same legal certainty as a paper and ink signature. Ensuring e-signed documents are legally enforceable in a court of law is critical, as no company wants to see its documents disputed.

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MD Consents case study: secure, efficient signing for fertility clinics

Posted by Victoria Allen on 20-Nov-2019 11:16:05

Fertility clinics work within a highly sensitive sector which requires patient consent and comprehension. MD Consents is acutely familiar with these requirements, particularly when the company launched its service.

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