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Victoria Allen

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How do I create a digital signature?

Posted by Victoria Allen on 30-Sep-2019 14:40:54

What is a digital signature and how do I create one are two of the most common questions we are asked.

There is a clear difference between electronic signatures and digital signatures though, and confusingly digital signatures can be referred to as electronic signatures which does not help matters.

What is a digital signature?

Digital signatures must provide a way to authenticate the signer’s identity.

Authentication is done through the use of a unique Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) signing key for each user and an associated digital certificate which acts as a digital identity embedded into every signature. Public Key Infrastructure is a technical framework of encryption and cybersecurity.

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Not-for-profit cost savings with eSignatures

Posted by Victoria Allen on 06-May-2019 08:30:11

In this blog, we discuss how eSignatures can help not-for-profit organisations. Because of their organisational structure, not-for-profit charities, community groups and social enterprises are usually highly collaborative with members, volunteers, group leaders, investors and trustees all having an influence on decision making.

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How the natural resources industry benefits from eSignatures

Posted by Victoria Allen on 24-Apr-2019 07:50:41

In our latest industries blog we are focusing on natural resources and the benefits the industry could see from using eSignatures.

Producers of major commodities (coal, iron ore, oil and natural gas) are realising great efficiencies through technology. In a low-growth environment, there are opportunities to extend these benefits into broader operational areas.

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Ensuring high-trust, eIDAS-compliant remote signing

Posted by Victoria Allen on 28-Jan-2019 08:13:30

In an international business environment, signing solutions that work across borders are essential. With approval chains growing, in size and complexity, solutions that save time whilst providing high-security, e-IDAS compliant remote signing are invaluable.

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How does SigningHub help with GDPR?

Posted by Victoria Allen on 26-Jun-2018 06:27:22

For most companies, ensuring company GDPR compliance has been a lengthy and arduous process but one that is necessary to ensure your organisation can provide evidence that it is following the regulation. SigningHub can help your business ensure its GDPR compliance.

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How Museums can use eSignatures to enhance archiving

Posted by Victoria Allen on 25-Jun-2018 08:47:04

Our popular ‘five industries’ blog series has returned, starting with how museums can use eSignatures to enhance their archiving process.

Museums are already using technology across the entire visitor journey to deliver impressive experiences that entertain and enlighten. However, this is just one part of an overall digital transformation strategy.

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How different industries benefit from eSignatures - New eBook

Posted by Victoria Allen on 18-Sep-2017 08:00:49

Esignatures are being extensively adopted across most industries to improve security, reduce the use of paper, accelerate approval processes and enhance workflows. In our latest eBook, we identify how different industries benefit from eSignatures.

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Do you have sole control of your eSignature?

Posted by Victoria Allen on 18-Aug-2017 12:06:44

In this blog, we examine whether you have sole control of your eSignature. There are many types of electronic signatures but some of the most commonly used in business are Advanced Electronic Signatures as they are secure, identifiable and in some cases mandated by legislation or policy.

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FDA 21 CFR-compliant pharmaceutical eSignatures

Posted by Victoria Allen on 31-Jul-2017 09:51:23



In our latest industry-specific blog, we're focusing on how the pharmaceutical industry can ensure FDA 21 CFR part 11 compliance with eSignatures.

Some of the world’s strictest regulations are found in the pharmaceutical industry and companies in this sector will have extensive processes and policies to maintain data security. This applies to every department within an organisation - from robust IT systems, to secure solutions used to approve documentation electronically.

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EU vs South Africa eSignatures – What’s the difference?

Posted by Victoria Allen on 24-May-2017 15:23:09

We could write countless blogs on every country’s unique laws. For this blog, we’re focusing on the recent eIDAS EU regulation and South Africa ECT Act and the differences between EU and South Africa eSignatures that are worth knowing.

Every country has different regulations for the legality and validity of eSignatures. When dealing internationally it is important to understand country specific regulations to ensure contracts and agreements are valid.

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