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Pieter Rensburg

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How to sign Excel spreadsheets with SigningHub

Posted by Pieter Rensburg on 05-Jun-2024 11:44:00

The age of printing, signing and scanning Excel spreadsheets for collaboration has come to an end. This cumbersome process, familiar to anyone who’s worked with financial reports and data tables, is readily streamlined with SigningHub.

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How to sign a PDF with SigningHub

Posted by Pieter Rensburg on 23-Apr-2024 10:00:00

Gone are the days of the printer running out of ink and mountains of paper documents. Efficient and secure solutions are paramount in today’s digital age, particularly when it comes to document signing. SigningHub stands at the forefront of this domain, offering unparalleled convenience, robust security measures and comprehensive adherence to legal standards.

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How to sign OneDrive documents with SigningHub

Posted by Pieter Rensburg on 17-Apr-2024 11:00:00

Frantic last-minute scrambles for signatures and endless printing, scanning and mailing of documents are a thing of the past.

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Electronic signatures and eSeals: What’s the difference?

Posted by Pieter Rensburg on 03-Apr-2024 11:00:00

In the era of paperless workflows and remote transactions, it’s crucial you ensure document validity and signer intent. Both electronic signatures (e-signatures or eSignatures) and electronic seals (eSeals) play vital roles in achieving this. Understanding the difference between these two technologies can be confusing.

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What is an eSeal and why is it important?

Posted by Pieter Rensburg on 26-Mar-2024 11:00:00

As governments and businesses around the world embrace digital transformations, eSeals are becoming more commonplace.

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How to sign documents online with SigningHub

Posted by Pieter Rensburg on 06-Feb-2024 11:00:00

By now, the convenience that online signing delivers to people and businesses is clear to most. Signing a document online with high levels of security can take a matter of seconds – eliminating the need for most to still use paper.

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Modernising legal services with eSignatures

Posted by Pieter Rensburg on 03-Aug-2023 08:40:00

The legal services sector is one of the most rigorously regulated industries. Our latest industry-focused blog explores the specific challenges faced by the legal sector and how SigningHub’s eSignature solution can help solve them.

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Improving document security in insurance

Posted by Pieter Rensburg on 21-Jun-2023 09:00:00

This industry-focused blog discusses how eSignatures are the key to improving digital trust, ensuring compliance and streamlining efficiency in the insurance industry. Other blogs in this series include government, banking and finance and construction.

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SigningHub v7.7.8 release

Posted by Pieter Rensburg on 19-Jun-2020 13:45:00

On the 20th of June Ascertia will launch the SigningHub v.7.7.8 release. This release includes ICAP support and an extension of the RESTful API.

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SigningHub Winter ’19 release

Posted by Pieter Rensburg on 01-Nov-2019 06:24:44

In November 2019, Ascertia launched its SigningHub Winter '19 release (version 7.7.6). This release includes several administrative enhancements, as well as additional local signing options.

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